
Prof. Ian Peterson

Plenary talk by Prof. Ian Peterson (Australian National University)

Title: Linear Quantum Control Engineering

Time & Venue: December 10, 2024 (2:15 pm to 3:15 pm IST); VH Auditorium


This lecture will present a collection of results in the area of linear quantum control engineering. It will discuss models for quantum systems using the Heisenberg pictures of quantum mechanics to describe continuous linear quantum systems. It will discuss closed loop approaches to quantum control involving coherent quantum feedback control in which the controller is also a quantum system. It will discuss quantum H – infinity control, quantum LQG control, coherent quantum observers and coherent quantum state estimation. The lecture will also cover the quantum Kalman decomposition as well as recent results on quantum risk sensitive control and networks of quantum linear systems as quantum memories.  Applications in the areas of quantum optics and quantum electromechanical systems will also be presented.

Speaker Bio: 

Prof. Ian R. Petersen was born in Victoria, Australia. He received a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering in 1984 from the University of  Rochester. From 1983 to 1985 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the  Australian National University. From 2017 he has been a Professor at the Australian National University in the School of Engineering. He was the Interim Director of  the  School of  Engineering at the Australian National University from 2018-2019. From 1985 until 2016 he was with UNSW Canberra where he was a Scientia Professor and an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow in the  School of Engineering and Information Technology.  He has previously been ARC Executive Director for Mathematics Information and Communications, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research for UNSW and an Australian Federation Fellow.  He has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic  Control, Systems and Control Letters, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology and SIAM Journal on  Control and Optimization. He also served as an Editor for Automatica. He is a fellow of IFAC, the Asian Control Association, the IEEE and the Australian Academy of Science.  His main  research interests are in robust control theory, quantum control theory and stochastic control theory.