The Third Indian Control Conference was held during January 4-6, 2017 at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. ICC 2017 was a three-day event, with the first day dedicated to tutorials. ICC 2017 was being technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society.

The 3rd ICC had 4 plenary speakers:

  • Prof. Murat Arcak (UC Berkeley)
  • Prof. Hamsa Balakrishnan (MIT)
  • Prof. Vivek Borkar (IIT Bombay)
  • Prof. Francesco Bullo (UC Santa Barbara)

Student Best Paper Finalists:

  • Shravan Mohan,
  • Etika Agarwal


The 3rd ICC received Gold Sponsorships from Mathworks, IIT Guwahati and General Electric.